Fleas and Ticks can cause a multitude of problems ranging from allergic reaction to infectious diseases. That is why it is so important to take precautions to make sure your pup is protected throughout the year. Here are a few simple steps you can take to keep your pet safe.

  1. Use flea and tick preventative year-round: Regardless of the time of the year, fleas can still wreak havoc on your home even in the winter months.
  2. Make sure the preventative you are using isn’t expired or old: Brands are coming out with new and more effective preventatives every year so make sure what you are using is effective.
  3. Check for fleas and ticks regularly: The most important way to stop a problem before it happens is to check your pets coming in from the outside, this prevents an infestation in your home.
  4. Keep your pet groomed: Clean and groomed pets are less likely to attract insects from the outside.
  5. Keep your yard maintained: Mowing the lawn, pulling weeds and spraying for insects can be a huge help in preventing fleas and ticks from becoming an issue.
  6. Keep your home maintained: Vacuuming spots in your home that your pet has access to and cleaning your dog’s bedding can be helpful.