Boxers definitely stand out with their giant square heads and stubby squished snouts. Being one of those most popular dogs in America, you can’t help but love their goofy features. Bred to be guard dogs, Boxers are very loyal to their families and can be protective of them. Most socialized Boxers are very friendly though and make lovely greeters. They are one of the more patient breeds which makes them a great choice for kids. They are also slow at maturing, so they maintain their puppy-like energy for years after adulthood. That makes them great for people with active lifestyles but not so much for people who don’t have space or time to give them the activity they need.
Boxers also don’t work very well as outside dogs, due to their short snouts not being able to keep them cool in hot weather. Boxers can be headstrong when It comes to training, so it’s best to begin to train them as early as possible. Grooming wise, Boxers are pretty low maintenance, although they do shed in spring.
If you are a boxer owner, one thing you know is they drool…a lot! But if you are okay with having a giant cuddle buddy with an adorable squishy face then the Boxer just might be the right fit for you!