The holidays are a busy time filled with family, fun and more importantly, food. Although the holiday food may be a treat for us, some of it could be dangerous for our furry counterparts. It’s important to know what foods your dogs can and cannot ingest. Some foods can just result in just a gassy dog, but others can cause serious medical issues.

Foods to avoid:

  • Poultry bones: These bones can splinter easily regardless if they’re raw or cooked, can pose a choking or puncture problem.
  • Onions and Garlic: Onions are toxic to dogs and can result in a visit to the vet, Garlic is not completely toxic in low moderation but it’s best to avoid
  • Herbs and Spices: Dogs stomachs are not used to digesting these, therefore they can cause upset
  • Grapes and Raisins: These can be extremely poisonous to dogs, will most likely result in a vet visit
  • Fruit Cake: these treats can contain dried fruits such as raisins which stated above are extremely toxic
  • Chocolate: Can be toxic even in small amounts
  • Yeast and Uncooked dough: Can be fatal if ingested, the yeast can ferment on canine’s stomach
  • Dairy products: It is not easy for dogs to digest dairy, can result in upset stomach

Foods okay in moderation:

  • Turkey: boneless, skinless turkey is fine in small amounts
  • Cranberry sauce: if it’s unsweetened, pure cranberry sauce it’s okay
  • Potatoes: They are fine to feed as long as it’s in moderation, starches can be hard to digest for pups
  • Carrots/Green Beans/Spinach: If your pup likes these veggies don’t be afraid to give them a little