It can be frustrating when you want to put a little trust in your dog to stay by your side but instead, they take off and disappear into thin air. Keeping them on a leash is an easy and safe way to keep track of your pet, but there are multiple benefits to training your dog to walk off leash.

Exercise – Off leash dogs can run around at parks with other dogs, play fetch, or practice agility training

Becoming more social – Dog parks are a perfect way to socialize your dog. Dogs who are trusted off leash are known to have more confidence in playing with others. When dogs are on a leash, they are confined to one area with their owner, which the dog’s nature dictates they must protect. Roaming by themselves gives them a neutral area to encounter others.

Freedom – Dogs want to be able to sniff anything and everything they come across. Being off leash allows them to explore on their own terms and play with whoever.

Training your dog can be somewhat time consuming but well worth it in the long run. Before training your dog to walk off leash you should make sure their name tag has your address and phone number and their microchip is up to date.

Use a long leash.
Reward them with treats or a clicker.
Choose one word to train with. Only use this word when asking them to come to you.
Move away from your dog while holding the leash, crouch down and hold out your hand. Make them sit then reward them once they do. (Do this multiple times, moving farther away each time.)
Make sure to do this daily to keep them on track. Once you see improvement, try adding distractions (toys or people).
Practice at an off leash dog park.
Begin with the leash and continue practicing like normal.
After a few times, try taking the leash off.

Let your dog run around a little bit before you begin trying to call them.
In case your dog takes off, try to remember to stay calm. It doesn’t matter how frustrated you get, they won’t come to you if they sense frustration. Show them treats to try and get their attention. Do not run after them, most of the time they are a lot faster and running will only make them think you are playing. Turn away from them to show them you have lost interest. And most importantly, be encouraging. Even when you are mad they took off, you must reward them for coming back to you.