We all want our dogs to have good oral health but not all of us have the time to brush our dogs’ teeth daily. Below are some alternatives to brushing that can help prevent costly dental bills in the future.

One of the biggest components of healthy teeth is a healthy diet. The food you feed can make a huge difference in your dog’s oral health. Try to avoid foods with starches, grains and any by-products.

Avoid feeding human food. Although we love to let our furry pals enjoy our meals with us, human food can take a toll on their teeth.

Raw bones and Bully sticks can work wonders. Giving your pup either of these treats daily can cut down on plaque and improve their oral health significantly. Not to mention it keeps them busy!

If bones aren’t the route you want to take, chew toys can help as well. Just make sure you get one durable enough to last.

Coconut oil is another awesome alternative that has been beneficial for not only dogs but humans as well. Just mix it in with their food and they will scarf it right down!

Dental spray works well to curb bad breath as well as cut down on plaque and bacteria, just make sure you do some research on brands before settling on one!