American Pit Bull Terriers are a breed whose reputations precede them, but there is more to these dogs
than the misconceptions held against them. Pit Bulls originated in England where they were used to bait
bulls and other large animals. They’re extreme strength and athleticism made them perfect for
performing strenuous activities. When they were migrated to America they became loyal farm dogs and
then eventually family pets. They were nicknamed “nanny dogs” because of their tenderness and
protectiveness towards children. Pit Bulls love people and will always want to be in the middle of whatever you’re our doing. So, this is a breed that might not be for someone who has no extra time for them.
Just like any other dog breed, Pit Bulls will need to be socialized early in life to maintain an open attitude to
new experiences. Because this breed has such a notorious reputation, it’s imperative that the owner is
aware that they might experience some backlash from owning one. Pit Bulls have been slandered in the
media relentlessly and this has left a bad taste in the mouth of those who have never had the ability to
meet one of these breeds firsthand.
It’s also important to understand the bans and limitations put on this breed due to the fact that different states and counties have different regulations regarding them.
If you are willing to look past the some of the difficulties of owning a Pit Bull, you will be rewarded with a
loyal companion for life.